Thursday, September 15, 2011

Osoyoos Desert

 I spent last weekend in Osoyoos and Oliver, we brought the kayaks as we did want to get out on the water, but we never made it. The first day we were there is was 36 degrees, way too hot for us to be sitting out on the water with a life jacket strapped on.

We did a lot of driving and exploring, the second photo here is of Spotted Lake just outside of Osoyoos. The mineral deposits are said to have healing properties, I would have loved to get down closer but it's private land and should be respected as such.

We toured a few of the many wineries in the area and tasted some fantastic wine, thanks to Burrowing Owl, Forbidden Fruit, Blasted Church and Road 13
Wineries for some great tasting experiences. This is
my second year venturing down here and I am sure
this will be an annual event for me and any family
members wanting to tag along.

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