Saturday, June 25, 2011

Mara Lake Pictographs

Pictographs of British Columbia

Mara, B.C. Canada

These are some photo's I took of some pictographs on Mara Lake. I find it just amazing that these can withstand the weather we have here. I did a little research on this particular site and they are estimated at two hundred years old, and the one large pictograph (bottom photo) is said to represent a fertility right, other than that it looks like they were recording their life in that area. My favorites are the one with the adult and two children, (looks like the adult is holding up fileted salmon) and the one of the deer. There were a ton of salmon there last fall and it was really neat to have them swim along side my kayak or to be sitting on the cliff ledge and just watch them gracefully swim by, as well as bald eagles and osprey feasting on the expired salmon along the shore.

This is by far one of my favorite places to kayak in the fall, as it is quite a busy lake during the summer months I haven't been brave enough to chance being out on the water. There were a few kayaks hit and their occupants injured last summer in the BC interior, so I tend to shy away from busy power boat locations.

Hope you enjoy the photo's and thanks for stopping in!

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