Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mouth of the Thompson in Chase

Spent yesterday on the water with on of my favorite kayaking buddies, my daughter! We kayaked from the warf in Chase across the bay to the east side of the bay. The salmon were jumping around us, the sun was out and the powerboats were courteous.....just couldn't ask for a better day. There is a small private beach over there on which I have found several black smooth rocks which appear to have chip marks on them. I have only found them on one part of the beach and they are quite different than all the other stones there. My theory is they are shards off of arrowhead/spearheads, there are so many little thin shards and they are in groups, so I'm sticking with my theory, it's more fun than the other explanations I can come up with:)
There are quite a few little pictographs spread all around in this area but the brush is thick and there are lots of thorns, I usually wear shorts and flip flops when kayaking so it makes it a little hard to get around to get a good look at what there might be for pictographs. I would like to go back in the fall with heavy pants and explore the area better. If anyone knows of the history of this area please drop me a line as I am really interested in learning what I can about these areas. The photo above shows a pictograph in the middle of the photo, I couldn't zoom in to get a clear shot so I'm not sure what the image is of.

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