Monday, August 1, 2011

Copper Island

 My sister and I kayaked to and around Copper Island this morning, and I am so thankful that the going was tough on the way there and calmer for the trek back as our arms felt like wet noodles! I have measured on my map and it seems to be 10 kilometers or so. Doesn't sound like much but with 18-24 inch waves crashing over our little recreational kayaks, it was quite a feat! Due to the rough waves I was not able to get some good quality photo's but I did manage to snap a few.

Blind Bay is a very busy spot with lots of pleasure boats, houseboats and waterskiers, so we did feel a little vulnerable out there in our 8 & 10 ft kayaks, I would suggests early morning only and sticking to the shore line on the trip back.

The water was warm, the sun was shining and there was good company for the trip, we even managed to have a bald eagle fly over us and check out what we were up to, a perfect day in my books!

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