Friday, April 13, 2012

Tappen site pictographs

My son and I were going to kayak today but the weather was a little iffy so we decided to take off on foot to the Tappen site. The pictographs were easy to find and pretty easy to climb up most of the way, I chickened out of the last little bit as it was very slippery. So the photo's were taken by my son Karl who is more agile than I and a whole lot braver, heights are not my thing!

I recently borrowed a book from the library called "Exploring B.C.'s Pictographs" what a great book and it's due to the direction in the book that we found the Tappen site so easily, and also the reason I knew the animal in the pictograph was a porcupine.

Hunters, sun symbol and porcupine.


View from above the pictographs

Two eagles skimming the lake.

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