Friday, April 13, 2012

Tappen site pictographs

My son and I were going to kayak today but the weather was a little iffy so we decided to take off on foot to the Tappen site. The pictographs were easy to find and pretty easy to climb up most of the way, I chickened out of the last little bit as it was very slippery. So the photo's were taken by my son Karl who is more agile than I and a whole lot braver, heights are not my thing!

I recently borrowed a book from the library called "Exploring B.C.'s Pictographs" what a great book and it's due to the direction in the book that we found the Tappen site so easily, and also the reason I knew the animal in the pictograph was a porcupine.

Hunters, sun symbol and porcupine.


View from above the pictographs

Two eagles skimming the lake.

Friday, April 6, 2012

First trip on the water for 2012

This was the scene for my first trip out on the water this year. What a beautiful day, lots of sunshine, a slight breeze and good company! I have at least a half dozen trips planned for this spring and I am just itching to get going!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Bald Eagles duck hunting on Shuswap Lake, B.C. Canada

In November of 2010 I was expecting a uneventful, last of the season outing in my kayak. That is exactly what I did not have.

A group of a couple hundred waterfowl flew over my head, the sound was phenomenal. What I did not realize was a group of four Bald Eagles were chasing the flock. I saw a lot of splashing about 100 meters ahead but could not make out what exactly was going on so decided to check it out. Once I got a bit closer an eagle took off from the water surface and a few seconds later a very terrorized looking duck popped it's dishevelled head out of the water to only duck down seconds later when a eagle swooped down. The four eagles took turns swooping until one finally grabbed the duck, flew off to the shore and perched on a rock to start it's feast.

The video I did get on my camera is shaky and does not do the scene justice but I thought I'd post it anyway!